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2007/05/25 / exiar

I got tired of the hack I was using for this format so I wrote a clean tool to replace it.
The image fragment (delta) format is annoying, but I guess it's faster to re-assemble
when stored that way.

Updated 1.02 now supports 恋色空模様.
Updated 1.03 Fixed a bug affecting some image deltas.
Updated 1.1 now supports layer compositions in 祝福の鐘の音は、桜色の風と共に。.

// exiar.cpp, v1.1 2012/10/27
// This tool extracts graphics from iar (*.iar) archives.  Image fragments
// are merged with the base.

// Thanks to puu for the decompression code.  I started implementing it myself
// but my code wasn't looking any prettier, so I stopped :).
Known to work with:

2005/11/25   すたじお緑茶   「プリンセス小夜曲番外編 囲って!王子様」
2006/07/28   すたじお緑茶   「巫女さんファイター!涼子ちゃん」
2007/05/25   すたじお緑茶   「片恋いの月」
2007/06/15   高臥舎   「万引き娘であそぼう」
2008/07/04   すたじお緑茶   「マジカライド」
2008/10/31   すたじお緑茶   「片恋いの月えくすとら」
2010/03/26   すたじお緑茶   「恋色空模様」
2011/10/28   すたじお緑茶   「恋色空模様 after happiness and extra hearts」
2012/06/29   bolero   「らぶらぼ〜調教なんて興味のなかった俺と彼女の放課後SMラボラトリー〜」
2012/10/26   すたじお緑茶   「祝福の鐘の音は、桜色の風と共に。」

*.iar (sig=iar)

All source © 2006-2014, asmodean. Don't copy, learn.