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2009/10/31 / exmaspaz

The *.dat archives in ましろ色シンフォニー are standard paz archives despite the clever(?) disguise.

Note that this tool can also rebuild archives for anybody who might care.

Updated 1.25: now supports Riddle Garden.
Updated 1.26: now supports すてぃ〜るMyはぁと.

// exmaspaz.cpp, v1.26 2010/07/31
// This tool extracts and rebuilds data from *.paz archives
Known to work with:

2009/10/30   ぱれっと   「ましろ色シンフォニー」
2010/03/26   キャラメリア   「Riddle Garden」
2010/07/30   ぱれっと   「すてぃ〜るMyはぁと〜Rhapsody of moonlight〜」

*.dat (sig=none)

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