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2006/11/24 / exrrdat

I like Navel, so I can't decide whether I should distribute this tool or wait a while ...

Please don't upload Navel's CG anywhere. If that happens, I won't distribute a tool next time. (どこでもNavelさんのCGをアップロードしないでください。そのことがあったら、次にツールを公開しません。)

Updated: merged pkrrdat with this archive.

// exrrdat.cpp, v1.0 2006/11/24
// This tool extracts/de-obfuscates data from NEKOPACK (*.DAT) archives used
// in Navel's game Really?Really!

// pkrrdat.cpp, v1.0 2007/01/21
// This tool repacks files to NEKOPACK (*.DAT) archives used in Navel's
// game Really?Really!  Expectation is that files are in a tree as
// originally extracted in the current directory.
Known to work with:

2006/11/24   Navel   「Really?Really!」
2006/12/31   HEART WORK   「VeryBerry」
2006/12/31   C-CUBE   「ニニンが霞伝」
2007/06/17   C-CUBE   「ニニンが霞伝 は〜どこあ」

image.dat system.dat (sig=NEKOPACK)

All source © 2006-2014, asmodean. Don't copy, learn.