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2008/05/28 / extmmpck

This was a complete waste of time but since a friend asked me to write an extractor for it...

Updated: Added fixtmmevt to chop up the event images and put them back together in the correct dimensions. You'll have to convert to bitmaps.

// extmmpck.cpp, v1.0 2008/05/28
// This tool extracts data from encrypted PACK_FILE001 (*.pck) archives.

// fixtmmevt.cpp, v1.01 2008/05/29
// This tool fixes chopped up event images in Tamamo Studio's event images.
Known to work with:

2008/03/10   玉藻スタジオ   「強制オナニ」
2008/05/23   玉藻スタジオ   「めざせマイホーム!」

*.pck (sig=PACK_FILE001)

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