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2007/01/11 / exvff

For the GAL images, use one of the Susie plugins or the Photoshop plugin for 32-bit data.

// exvff.cpp, v1.01 2007/01/11
// This tool extracts data from VFF (*.dat) archives.
// Some GALE images can be converted with transparency using a Photoshop plugin.
Known to work with:

2006/08/11   Blue Devil   「School Rendezvous 2学期」
2006/12/22   STUDiO B-ROOM   「ただいま授業中!」
2006/12/31   ねこのみかん   「とつげき☆らぶは〜と」

game.dat (sig=vff)

All source © 2006-2014, asmodean. Don't copy, learn.