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2007/07/05 / miscbss

// exbssc.cpp, v1.0 2007/07/05
// This tool extracts individual frames from BSS-Composition (*.bsg) composites.

// fixbssg.cpp, v1.0 2007/07/05
// This tool tweaks a header field in multi-frame BSS-Graphics so that older
// tools will be happy...

#, v1.0 2007/07/05
# This script merges character images parts extracted from some BSS-Composition
# images.  Requires ImageMagick's convert tool on the path...
Known to work with:

2007/06/29   BISHOP   「姫奴隷〜牝へと堕ちゆく双子の王女〜」

*.bsg (sig=BSS-Composition)

All source © 2006-2014, asmodean. Don't copy, learn.