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2012/10/26 / misceri

Convert to PNG with erisacvt or whatever first, then use mergeeri to merge deltas.

Updated: added mergeeri2 for お兄ちゃんシェアリング.

Convert to PNG as usual and use eri2txt to extract the descriptions. Then use mergeeri2 to merge based on the XML files. The specified default eye/mouth/etc are used, change the default in the XML if you want something else.

// mergeeri2.cpp, v1.0 2013/10/13
// This tool merges Entis Rasterized Image (*.eri) deltas from XML
// specification.

// eri2txt.cpp, v1.0 2013/10/13
// This tool extracts text description from Entis Rasterized Image (*.eri).

// mergeeri.cpp, v1.0 2012/10/26
// This tool merges Entis Rasterized Image (*.eri) deltas.
Known to work with:

2012/10/26   ま〜まれぇど   「恋色マリアージュ」
2012/10/26   SYRUP-Honey Sweet-   「Chuしてあげちゃう〜押しかけお姉さんの性交恥療〜」
2013/09/27   Galette   「お兄ちゃんシェアリング」
2013/12/27   GLace   「Timepiece Ensemble -タイムピース アンサンブル-」
2014/02/28   GLace   「恋式マニュアル」

*.eri (sig=Entis Rasterized Image)

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